What’s Lube Got To Do: How Lube Makes Sex Safer (And Better!)

By LoveYourself Communications

They say love makes the world go round, but lube makes the ride smooth.

Personal lubricant, is your wingman for better, more pleasurable, and even safer sex! Whether you play with sex toys, enter the backdoor, or beat the meat, a handy dandy tube of lube can already make everything so much better.

Safe, Satisfying, and Slicker Sex

Having anal sex can be tricky business, getting in can already be hard enough (pun unintended).. The anus is lined with delicate tissue that barely produces enough lubrication for comfortable anal sex. Without additional lube this tissue can get small tears easily — called anal fissures. which can become the gateway for viruses and bacteria to enter your body causing a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Applying more lube is handy to reduce friction and irritation when penetration starts. A win-win situation for you!

Aside from giving you a smooth ride, we also want to avoid condom tearing up inside. Excessive friction can make the condom break, which defeats its purpose of keeping you and your partner protected. A few drops of lube inside can make it easier to put a condom on. Then a lot of lube outside the condom makes it easier to slide in without having to worry about your protection failing. But do take note that condoms aren’t good with oil and silicon-based lube because they react with the latex of condoms making them brittle and easier to fail. A better choice would be water-based lube, which does its job perfectly and keeps the condom intact.

 Getting to Know Your Lube

There are various kinds of lube, but water-based ones are the most common. They’re silky,  light, and gentle enough for condoms, sex toys, and sensitive skin.

You don’t have to worry about staining your sheets or clothes with water-based lube because they’re easy to wash off and don’t leave any residue. Although they tend to evaporate a little quicker than other kinds, a few more drops of water-based lube can solve this easily.

Water-based lube is very versatile and can be used in various sexual activities, which is probably why it’s such a popular choice. Anal sex, masturbation, sex with toys, foreplay — name it, lube is here for you!

Everything is easier and better with water-based lube, especially if it’s EZ Lubricating Jelly. Lube up for more and better lovin’! EZ Lubricating Jelly is available at leading drugstores, convenience stores and online shopping sites. Get yourself some EZ Lubricating Jelly, and slide into more pleasure!


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