This is Me: Brave and Free to Set Ablaze on May 26, 2018!

By: Raymond Martin Manahan

The stage is set for you, lovers. Join us at This is Me: Brave and Free - the first community-led multi-site HIV testing day launching on May 26, 2018. Join in the celebration of self-care by bringing your courage to community based organizations (Juan Positive Movement, HIV & AIDS Support House, Inc, Decent Image of South Signal Association, Cavite Positive Action Group, GAYON, Project H4, Kagay-an PLUS, and Olympus Society of Davao) alongside LoveYourself (LoveYourself Anglo, LoveYourself Uni, and Victoria by LoveYourself). Get to know your status with the fast, free, and confidential community based-screening process.

You can walk-in too!

Check out this link on how to get to our testing sites in Metro Manila, and this link on how to get to our testing sites throughout Luzon and Mindanao.

This is Me: Brave and Free seeks to set the stage for men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women, and the youth to take action in managing their sexual health. Loving yourself takes a lot of strength, and so does having yourself tested. Fortunately, this one-day event makes it quick and hassle-free by having HIV testing and counseling free of charge!

You no longer need to fill out lengthy forms found during regular testing days. Instead, you just need to give your contact information upon registration, and you’ll be given a Unique Identifier Code (UIC). An available counselor will then attend to you, and after the test is done, the results will be ready in 15-20 minutes.

Together with our partner testing sites, it is ensured that even with a quicker screening process, This is Me: Brave and Free gives out results that are as reliable as what you can get on regular testing days. Third generation rapid test will be used which is 100% sensitive for non-reactive clients.

In case a client gets a reactive result in the test, they will need to provide their full information for the Paperless Personal Information Sheet (DOH-NEC form). This is necessary for confirmatory testing and referrals to accessible treatment facilities. Results of the confirmatory test normally takes two hours.

Join us on May 26, 2018 and dare to showcase the beauty of self love at This is Me: Brave and Free. Don’t forget to sign up online at


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