This is Me: Brave and Free to Set Ablaze on May 26, 2018!

By: Raymond Martin Manahan The stage is set for you, lovers. Join us at This is Me: Brave and Free - the first community-led multi-site HIV testing day launching on May 26, 2018 . Join in the celebration of self-care by bringing your courage to community based organizations ( Juan Positive Movement , HIV & AIDS Support House, Inc , Decent Image of South Signal Association , Cavite Positive Action Group , GAYON , Project H4 , Kagay-an PLUS , and Olympus Society of Davao ) alongside LoveYourself ( LoveYourself Anglo , LoveYourself Uni , and Victoria by LoveYourself) . Get to know your status with the fast, free, and confidential community based-screening process . You can walk-in too! Check out this link on how to get to our testing sites in Metro Manila , and this link on how to get to our testing sites throughout Luzon and Mindanao. This is Me: Brave and Free seeks to set the stage for men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women, and the youth to take action i...