ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) – Global Fund Round 10 – Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Grant
Expression of Interest (EOI) Number: TLY-31
Issuance Date: April 26, 2016 (Tuesday)
Deadline of Submission: May 8, 2016 (Sunday)

Call for Expression of Interest for a TRANS PROGRAM OFFICER (full-time position based in Metro Manila) under LoveYourself for the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 3 in the Philippines –“Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and the Impact of HIV Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia “Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia”


In 2010, the Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and transgender (TG) to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSM and TGs. Phase 1 of the program was implemented from October 2011 to September 2013. Phase 2, Year 1 of the program was completed last September 2014 and Phase 2, Year 2 started January 2015, anticipated to run until September 2016. The program focuses on these key program components: capacity building, advocacy and networking, and technical and financial assistance.

LoveYourself, Inc. is co-implementing the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 3 in the Philippines as the sub-sub recipient (SSR), with the Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC) as the sub-recipient (SR) of the grant, will be hiring Trans Program Officer (based in Metro Manila)

For the implementation of the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 3, LoveYourself is looking for a Trans Program Officer (based in Metro Manila) who will be responsible for the conceptualization, development and implementation of transgender people-related initiatives, interventions and activities under the program both at the SSR and SR level. S/he will report to the LoveYourself Executive Director (also Program Director) and will work with the other members of the program team of the SR and SSRs.

1.       Reports directly to the SSR LoveYourself Executive Director (also Program Director) and coordinates with ISEAN’s Regional Trans Program Specialist on all transgender-specific activities and deliverables;
2.     Organize and mobilize informal transgender groups (both transwomen and transmen) at the community level;
3.       Provide support and guidance to the SSRs, the national Network and other local and national partners and stakeholders, especially with program implementation and reporting of trans-specific activities;
4.       Facilitate the capacity-building of community leaders on transgender issues;
5.       Carry out desk research, field visits and participate in program monitoring and evaluations in line with trans-specific activities;
6.       Provide support in organizing national coordination meetings, including liaising with participants on events, meeting, training and workshops, especially those focusing on transgender issues;
7.       Contribute to documenting and disseminating project-related best practices and lessons learnt especially on transgender issues;
8.       Create and maintain internal systems, including contact lists, diaries of upcoming events and opportunities and other databases of trans-specific networks, non-government organizations, community-based organizations, informal groups and individuals.
9.       Perform the role of coordinator and facilitator/trainer during program activities such as trainings, workshops, forums and consultations, especially on SOGIE and Transgender 101 topics;
10.     Together with the SSR Administrative and Finance Officer and SSR Program Officer, prepare and provide monthly and quarterly programmatic reports to the SSR Program Director for submission to the SR; and
11.     Respond to and coordinate with SSR Program Officer for organizational profiling concerns.
12.     Perform other project-related functions as assigned by the SSR Program Director. 


·     Education: College graduate with a degree in behavioral sciences, social sciences, liberal arts, or other relevant courses.
·     Work Experience: More than one year of working experience performing work similar to stated job functions in a development work setting. Preferably with experience in organizing and conducting consultations and advocacy activities, community mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, basic research, technical report writing, and networking and partnership. Working knowledge and familiarity with HIV and AIDS, and TG community issues.
·     Training Experience: Has undergone training on program management, training facilitation, monitoring and evaluation, community mobilization, sexual and reproductive health and rights, SOGIE, HIV and AIDS.
·     Other Professional Skills: Proficient in oral and written English business communication; operation of computer and other ICT equipment; and knowledge in the use of most Microsoft Office applications; and familiar with data backup procedures.
·     Other Desirable Qualities: Willing to work beyond standard working hours; can work with minimal supervision; highly trainable; detail oriented; can work well with a team; and gender sensitive.
·     Openly identifies as a transgender person.

LoveYourself is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages applicants from the transgender community who have experience in non-profit and community development work. Applicants familiar with Global Fund procedures are encouraged to apply.

Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EOI) letter together with the applicant’s CV/resume, via e-mail to and cc: and on or before May 8, 2016 (Sunday), 5:00 pm (PH time), addressed to Mr. Ronnivin G. Pagtakhan Executive Director of LoveYourself Inc. technical review of documents will be done and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself Inc.

Technical review of documents, phone and face-to-face interviews, and written exam will be facilitated and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself. Please take note that this is for immediate hiring to be based in Metro Manila with expected start date on May 16, 2016.

For the hired applicant, the following documents will need to be prepared and submitted within two weeks upon hiring: SSS, TIN, Pag-IBIG and Philhealth numbers, police and NBI clearances, and medical certificate.


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