ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) – Global Fund Round 10 – Multi-Country HIV and AIDS Grant
Expression of Interest (EOI) Number: TLY-25
Issuance Date: December 1, 2015 (Tuesday)
Deadline of Submission: December 14, 2015 (Monday), 5:00 pm (PH time)

Call for Expression of Interest for a LEAD FACILITATOR for IHP-P2-Y3 National Transgender Development Summit 2015: Translating the Dream into Reality under LoveYourself Inc. for the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 3 in the Philippines – Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and the Impact of HIV Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia


In 2010, the Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and transgender (TG) to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSM and TGs. Phase 1 of the program was implemented from October 2011 to September 2013. Phase 2, Year 1 of the program was completed last September 2014 and Phase 2, Year 2 started this January 2015, and is anticipated to run until September 2016. The program focuses on these key program components: capacity building, advocacy and networking, and technical and financial assistance.

In the Philippines, LoveYourself Inc. as the sub-sub-recipient (SSR), together with The Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC) as the sub-recipient (SR) of the grant, and Cebu Plus Association, Inc. as other sub-sub-recipients (SSR), will be conducting the IHP-P2-Y3 National Transgender Development Summit 2015: Translating the Dream into Reality on December 16-19, 2015 at Casa Bocobo Hotel, Jorge Bocobo St., cor. T.M. Kalaw Avenue, Ermita, Manila, Philippines.

The main goal of the event is to formally organize a Transgender National Network for the recognition and advancement of transgender-specific interventions on health, SOGIE and rights in the Philippines.

LoveYourself Inc. is looking for a capable Lead Facilitator for the IHP-P2-Y3 National Transgender Development Summit who will provide the following to address the Grant’s requirements:

  1. Meet with IHP-Philippines program staff and review relevant documented materials and provide inputs and help finalize the program design.
  2. Prepare PowerPoint presentations on the input sessions/topics.
  3. Facilitate and synthesize the discussions and exercises.
  4. Develop and submit a lead facilitator/trainer’s synthesis report after the conduct of the event.

Key Qualifications:

1.   Established previous experience in facilitating trainings, workshops, fora and similar types of activities;
2.   Must have experience in organizational development and policy advocacy;
3.   With excellent written and oral communication skills;
4.   Must have a background in handling agenda setting and planning workshops; and
5.   Must be an expert in parliamentary procedure
6.   Must be based in Metro Manila


LoveYourself Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages applicants from the gay, bisexual, and transgender community who have experience in non-profit and community development work.


Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EOI) letter together with the applicant’s CV/resume, IHP consultant’s biodata form (refer to link below), and sample documentation works, via e-mail to and cc:    and info@loveyourself.phon or before December 14, 2015 (Monday), 5:00 pm (PH time), addressed to Mr. Ronnivin G. Pagtakhan Executive Director of LoveYourself Inc. technical review of documents will be done and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself Inc.

You can download the IHP consultant’s biodata form through this link:


ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) – Global Fund Round 10 – Multi-Country HIV and AIDS Grant
Expression of Interest (EOI) Number: TLY-26
Issuance Date: December 1, 2015 (Tuesday)
Deadline of Submission: December 14, 2015 (Monday), 5:00 pm (PH time)

Call for Expression of Interest for a DOCUMENTER for IHP-P2-Y3 National Transgender Development Summit 2015: Translating the Dream into Reality under LoveYourself Inc. for the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 3 in the Philippines – Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and the Impact of HIV Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia


In 2010, the Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and transgender (TG) to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSM and TGs. Phase 1 of the program was implemented from October 2011 to September 2013. Phase 2, Year 1 of the program was completed last September 2014 and Phase 2, Year 2 started this January 2015, and is anticipated to run until September 2016. The program focuses on these key program components: capacity building, advocacy and networking, and technical and financial assistance.

In the Philippines, LoveYourself Inc. as the sub-sub-recipient (SSR), together with The Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC) as the sub-recipient (SR) of the grant, and Cebu Plus Association, Inc. as other sub-sub-recipients (SSR), will be conducting IHP-P2-Y3 National Transgender Development Summit 2015: Translating the Dream into Reality on December 16-19, 2015 at Casa Bocobo Hotel, Jorge Bocobo St., cor. T.M. Kalaw Avenue, Ermita, Manila, Philippines.

The main goal of the event is to formally organize a Transgender National Network for the recognition and advancement of transgender-specific interventions on health, SOGIE and rights in the Philippines.

LoveYourself Inc. is looking for a capable Documenter for the IHP-P2-Y3 National Transgender Development Summit who will provide the following to address the Grant’s requirements:

  1. Document and summarize highlights of each session for the first day, and the day-ender evaluation conducted by the training team.
  2. Present the proceedings of the general assembly and the board meeting in a minute documentation format pursuant to the principles of parliamentary procedure.
  3. Prepare and finalize the proceedings/documentation (with executive summary), and consolidate relevant documents (i.e. presentations, outputs, work plans, handouts, etc.) in the proper format as required by the Program.

Key Qualifications:

1.   Established previous experience in documenting trainings, workshops, fora and similar types of activities;
2.   With excellent writing skills and good communication skills;
3.   Preferably college graduate with a degree on English, Communication, Journalism and other related fields.
4.   Familiarity with parliamentary procedure.
5.   Must be based in Metro Manila


LoveYourself Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages applicants from the gay, bisexual, and transgender community who have experience in non-profit and community development work.


Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EOI) letter together with the applicant’s CV/resume, IHP consultant’s biodata form (refer to link below), and sample documentation works, via e-mail to and cc:    and info@loveyourself.phon or before December 14, 2015 (Monday), 5:00 pm (PH time), addressed to Mr. Ronnivin G. Pagtakhan Executive Director of LoveYourself Inc. technical review of documents will be done and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself Inc.

You can download the IHP consultant’s biodata form through this link:


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