Registration Begins For The 4th LoveYourself Counselors’ Convention On July 25

LoveYourself's once-a-year learning and training convention dedicated to counselors returns this July 25.

All counselors are invited to sign up for free and attend the 4th LoveYourself Counselors’ Convention to be held at Amelie Hotel, Bocobo St., Malate, Manila City.

Register here for a guaranteed slot.

The convention welcomes counselors from all LoveYourself batches. Spend a fun Saturday building your counseling know-how and forging stronger bonds with your fellow counselors.

Refresh, Revive, Reach Out

This year’s theme is “Counselors’ Convention 4 The Win: Refresh, Revive, Reach Out,” and aims to energize the ever-growing family of LoveYourself counselors.

The convention will be a whole-day event from 8AM to 6PM. Counselors will get to interact with expert speakers, gain new knowledge, and discover insights to improve their counseling skills.

Convention Schedule

Below is the full day schedule, including sessions and expert speakers:

7:30 AM - Registration
8:30 AM - Opening Prayer
8:35 AM - Opening Remarks
8:45 AM - RA 8504 Redux: Revisiting Confidentiality and Ethical Standards in Counseling
10:00 AM - Morning Snacks
10:30 AM - HIV Response in the Philippines: Outlook and New Programs in the Horizon (Dra. Annie Ditangco)
12:00 NN - Lunch
1:00 PM - Caring for Carers: Dealing with "Counselor's Burnout" (Dra. Kate Leyritana)
2:30 PM - Afternoon Snacks
3:00 PM - Simulation/Group Facilitation: An Interactive Session On Counseling "Difficult" Clients (Rolin Obina)
4:00 PM - #Ask4TW: An Open Forum On Counselors' Concerns and Client Feedback (Ronnievinn Pagtakhan or Chris Lagman)
5:15 PM - Closing Remarkds (Ronnievinn Pagtakhan or Chris Lagman)
5:30 PM - Awarding of Certificates of Attendance

Feedback Forum

The 4th LoveYourself Counselors’ Convention will also become more interactive through a new feedback discussion forum. Concerns and issues that have been raised regarding LoveYourself’s testing and counseling services will be addressed in this dedicated forum.

Register now for a guaranteed spot in the convention.

Early registration will also help the organizers prepare for the number of potential attendees.

Thank you and see you all on July 25!


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