Celebrate LGBT Pride Month At LoveYourself Pride Carnivale 2015 On June 20

LoveYourself invites everyone to join LoveYourself Pride Carnivale 2015 on June 20, a day of festivities at the Quezon City Memorial Circle in celebration of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month.

Rainbow Race: Fundraiser For A Proud Cause

LoveYourself Pride Carnivale 2015 will be staging a Rainbow Race, a fundraising challenge where participants will compete in fun games while helping HIV testing and care organizations.

Interested participants can register for the Rainbow Race with a PHP1,000 fee which will grant a racing kit, inclusive of a limited-edition shirt, towel, eco bag and bottled water. Racers will also receive redeemable coupons for the LoveYourself Pride Carnivale fair.

The first-place finisher will be named the Rainbow Race champion and receive an iPad Mini. Other top finishers will bring home trophies and medals.

Register now to secure one of the limited slots for Rainbow Race. Everyone regardless of their gender and sexual orientation are invited to join this fun race.

All registration fees will benefit LoveYourself Inc., The Project Red Ribbon (TRR) and Sustainable Health Initiatives Philippines (SHIP) Foundation -- three organizations which help support the community through HIV testing, counseling and care.

LoveYourself Pride Carnivale: Free Food And Fun Booths

Coinciding the Rainbow Race is the LoveYourself Pride Carnivale community fair filled with food and activity booths. Entrance is free for everyone with registration beginning at 1:00 PM.

All Pride Carnivale attendees will receive food coupons which can be redeemed at designated booths which open at 2:30 PM. While munching on the free food, attendees can have fun in the activity booths, and watch the live program in the center stage at around 6:00 PM.

We would love it if you could bring your partner, family and friends -- see you there!


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