ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) – Global Fund Round 10 – Multi-Country HIV and AIDS Grant
Expression of Interest (EOI) Number: TLY-18
Issuance Date: March 30, 2015 (Monday)
Deadline of Submission: April 10, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time)

Call for Expression of Interest for a DOCUMENTER for IHP-P2 Year 2 National Transgender Individuals’Consultation on Health, SOGIE and Human Rights under LoveYourself Inc. for the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 2 in the Philippines – Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and the Impact of HIV Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia


In 2010, the Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and transgender (TG) to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSM and TGs. Phase 1 of the program was implemented from October 2011 to September 2013. Phase 2, Year 1 of the program was completed last September 2014 and Phase 2, Year 2 started this January 2015, and is anticipated to run until September 2016. The program focuses on these key program components: capacity building, advocacy and networking, and technical and financial assistance.

In the Philippines, LoveYourself Inc. as the sub-sub-recipient (SSR), together with The Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC) as the sub-recipient (SR) of the grant, and Cebu Plus Association, Inc. as other sub-sub-recipients (SSR), will be conducting IHP-P2 Year 2 National Transgender Individuals’Consultation on Health, SOGIE and Human Rights on April 22-25, 2015 at 107 Prime St., Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila Philippines 1780.

The main goal is to gather and capacitate transgender people―in an avenue for knowledge exchange on health, human rights and other issues concerning them―who will eventually form part of a nationwide pool to serve as focal and resource persons in their respective communities.

LoveYourself Inc. is looking for a capable Documenter for the IHP-P2 Year 2 National Transgender Individuals’Consultation on Health, SOGIE and Human Rights on who will provide the following to address the Grant’s requirements:

  1. Document the 2-day training proceedings using the template of the Program (including photo documentation and annexes), and ensure all technical inputs are properly encoded.
  2. Document and summarize highlights of each training session, and the day-ender evaluations conducted by the training team.
  3. Prepare and finalize the proceedings/documentation of the training (with executive summary), and consolidate relevant documents (i.e. presentations, workshop outputs, work plans, handouts, etc.) in the proper format as required by the Program.

Key Qualifications:

  1. Established previous experience in documenting trainings, workshops and similar types of activities.
  2. With excellent writing skills (in English) and good communication skills.
  3. Familiarity with the training/workshop topic/s.
  4. At least a college graduate, with a degree on communications, journalism and other related fields.
  5. Should be based in Metro Manila.


LoveYourself Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages applicants from the gay, bisexual, and transgender community who have experience in non-profit and community development work.


Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EOI) letter together with the applicant’s CV/resume, IHP consultant’s biodata form (refer to link below), and sample documentation works, via e-mail to and cc: and on or before April 10, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time), addressed to Mr. Ronnivin G. Pagtakhan Executive Director of LoveYourself Inc. Technical review of documents will be done and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself Inc.

You can download the IHP consultant’s biodata form through this link:


ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) – Global Fund Round 10 – Multi-Country HIV and AIDS Grant
Expression of Interest (EOI) Number: TLY-17
Issuance Date: March 2, 2015 (Monday)
Deadline of Submission: March 6, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time)

Call for Expression of Interest for a DOCUMENTER for IHP-P2 Year 2 CALABARZON Roll-out Peer Education Training on Behavior Change Communication (BCC) and Condom Distribution under LoveYourself Inc. for the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 2 in the Philippines – Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and the Impact of HIV Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia


In 2010, the Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and transgender (TG) to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSM and TGs. Phase 1 of the program was implemented from October 2011 to September 2013. Phase 2, Year 1 of the program was completed last September 2014 and Phase 2, Year 2 started this January 2015, and is anticipated to run until September 2016. The program focuses on these key program components: capacity building, advocacy and networking, and technical and financial assistance.

In the Philippines, LoveYourself Inc. as the sub-sub-recipient (SSR), together with The Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC) as the sub-recipient (SR) of the grant, and Cebu Plus Association, Inc. as other sub-sub-recipients (SSR), will be conducting CALABARZON Roll-out Peer Education Training on Behavior Change Communication (BCC) and Condom Distribution on March 20-22, 2015 at Roan Building M.Basa street. Brgy. VII, San Pablo City, Laguna 4000.

The main goal of the training is to equip selected CBO representatives with the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills as peer educators for them to better implement BCC and condom distribution activities.

LoveYourself Inc. is looking for a capable Documenter for the CALABARZON Roll-out Peer Education Training on Behavior Change Communication (BCC) and Condom Distribution who will provide the following to address the Grant’s requirements:

  1. Document the 3-day training proceedings using the template of the Program (including photo documentation and annexes), and ensure all technical inputs are properly encoded.
  2. Document and summarize highlights of each training session, and the day-ender evaluations conducted by the training team.
  3. Prepare and finalize the proceedings/documentation of the training (with executive summary), and consolidate relevant documents (i.e. presentations, workshop outputs, work plans, handouts, etc.) in the proper format as required by the Program.

Key Qualifications:

  1. Established previous experience in documenting trainings, workshops and similar types of activities.
  2. With excellent writing skills (in English) and good communication skills.
  3. Familiarity with the training/workshop topic/s.
  4. At least a college graduate, with a degree on communications, journalism and other related fields.
  5. Should be based in Metro Manila.


LoveYourself Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages applicants from the gay, bisexual, and transgender community who have experience in non-profit and community development work.


Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EOI) letter together with the applicant’s CV/resume, IHP consultant’s biodata form (refer to link below), and sample documentation works, via e-mail to and cc:    and on or before March 6, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time), addressed to Mr. Ronnivin G. Pagtakhan Executive Director of LoveYourself Inc. Technical review of documents will be done and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself Inc.

You can download the IHP consultant’s biodata form through this link:


ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) – Global Fund Round 10 – Multi-Country HIV and AIDS Grant
Expression of Interest (EOI) Number: TLY-16
Issuance Date: March 2, 2015 (Monday)
Deadline of Submission: March 6, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time)

Call for Expression of Interest for a VISUAL PRODUCTION FIRM for IHP-P2-Y2 IEC Visual Ad Campaign for HIV Prevention among Young MSM and TGs under LoveYourself Inc. for the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 2 in the Philippines – Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and the Impact of HIV Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia


In 2010, the Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and transgender (TG) to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSM and TGs. Phase 1 of the program was implemented from October 2011 to September 2013. Phase 2, Year 1 of the program was completed last September 2014 and Phase 2, Year 2 started this January 2015, and is anticipated to run until September 2016. The program focuses on these key program components: capacity building, advocacy and networking, and technical and financial assistance.

In the Philippines, LoveYourself Inc. as the sub-sub-recipient (SSR), together with The Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC) as the sub-recipient (SR) of the grant, and Cebu Plus Association, Inc. as other sub-sub-recipients (SSR), will be developing IHP-P2-Y2 IEC Visual Ad Campaign for HIV Prevention among Young MSM and TGs on March 2-30, 2015.

The main goal of the project is to enhance awareness among young MSM and TGs, and to generate awareness among the general youth population on STI/HIV and AIDS prevention, and HIV counseling and testing, through a visual campaign in support of the National HIV testing week.

LoveYourself Inc. is looking for a capable Consultant for the IHP-P2-Y2 IEC Visual Ad Campaign for HIV Prevention among Young MSM and TGs who will provide the following to address the Grant’s requirements:

  1. Develop Four (4) different poster designs with  (3) layouts each : Facebook profile photo, Cover Photo and Poster layout targeting young MSM young TG, young males, and young females will be developed, which will focus on HIV prevention and HIV testing.

Key Qualifications:

1.    Must be an established production company for more than two years doing advertising and digital marketing;
2.    Has extensive experience in developing Information, Education and Communication (IEC) and visual campaign materials for LGBT and HIV awareness;
3.    Has the appropriate production equipment or can source out the needed photo shoot production equipment and materials to ensure production of quality visual ad campaign materials;
4.    Has the ability to develop a costing plan for visual ad campaign production;
5.    Has enough qualified manpower to be involved in producing and finalizing the visual ad campaign materials;
Preferably based in Metro Manila.


LoveYourself Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages applicants from the gay, bisexual, and transgender community who have experience in non-profit and community development work.


Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EOI) letter together with the applicant’s CV/resume, IHP consultant’s biodata form (refer to link below), and sample documentation works, via e-mail to and cc:    and on or before March 6, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time), addressed to Mr. Ronnivin G. Pagtakhan Executive Director of LoveYourself Inc. Technical review of documents will be done and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself Inc.

You can download the IHP consultant’s biodata form through this link:


ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) – Global Fund Round 10 – Multi-Country HIV and AIDS Grant
Expression of Interest (EOI) Number: TLY-15
Issuance Date: March 1, 2015 (Sunday)
Deadline of Submission: March 6, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time)

Call for Expression of Interest for a CONSULTANT for IHP-P2-Y2 IEC-BCC Materials Development for MSM and TGs under LoveYourself Inc. for the ISEAN-Hivos Program Phase 2, Year 2 in the Philippines – Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and the Impact of HIV Infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia


In 2010, the Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and transgender (TG) to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSM and TGs. Phase 1 of the program was implemented from October 2011 to September 2013. Phase 2, Year 1 of the program was completed last September 2014 and Phase 2, Year 2 started this January 2015, and is anticipated to run until September 2016. The program focuses on these key program components: capacity building, advocacy and networking, and technical and financial assistance.

In the Philippines, LoveYourself Inc. as the sub-sub-recipient (SSR), together with The Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC) as the sub-recipient (SR) of the grant, and Cebu Plus Association, Inc. as other sub-sub-recipients (SSR), will be developing IHP-P2-Y2 IEC-BCC Materials Development for MSM and TGs on March 1-29, 2015.

The main goal of the project is to enhance awareness among MSM and TG population and to generate awareness among the general population on STI/HIV and AIDS prevention, HIV counseling and testing and self-empowerment, through an IEC-BCC materials directed to an ICT link (www.loveyourself.phor ).

LoveYourself Inc. is looking for a capable Consultant for the IHP-P2-Y2 IEC-BCC Materials Development for MSM and TGs who will provide the following to address the Grant’s requirements:

1. Develop Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials for LGBT and HIV awareness.
Five (5) different IEC-BCC designs will be developed:
1.    Two designs for MSM
2.    One design for TGs
3.    Two designs focusing on self-empowerment

Key Qualifications:

1.    Has extensive experience in developing Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials for LGBT and HIV awareness;
2.    Has the appropriate production equipment or can source out the needed materials to ensure production of quality of the IEC-BCC materials;
3.    Has enough qualified manpower to be involved in producing quality of the IEC-BCC materials;
4.    Preferably based in Metro Manila. 


LoveYourself Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages applicants from the gay, bisexual, and transgender community who have experience in non-profit and community development work.


Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EOI) letter together with the applicant’s CV/resume, IHP consultant’s biodata form (refer to link below), and sample documentation works, via e-mail to and cc:    and on or before March 6, 2015 (Friday), 5:00 pm (PH time), addressed to Mr. Ronnivin G. Pagtakhan Executive Director of LoveYourself Inc. Technical review of documents will be done and the most qualified applicant will be contracted by LoveYourself Inc.

You can download the IHP consultant’s biodata form through this link:


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