Lichauco Designs Anglo: client confidentiality drives architecture

Client confidentiality remains at the forefront of the architectural design for the soon-to-rise LoveYourself Anglo on Shaw Boulevard in Mandaluyong.
Renowned architect Dan Lichauco, together with his team at the Archion Achitects, has ensured that those who will undergo HIV screening at the new center will be accorded the privacy due them.
As Lichauco puts it, paramount to the clients’ need for counseling and testing is the guarantee that the procedure shall remain confidential.
Along with this, he also puts forth that LoveYourself Anglo will stay true in fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone who ventures into its confines.
Those requisites for spatial design may be more challenging than usual but not for Lichauco, whose architectural works include major hospital projects like The Medical City, The Asian Hospital and Medical Center, and Ospital ng Makati.

“Since we do a lot of healthcare projects, we felt that we could share our learning and experience in helping the community,” Lichauco said.

The layout for LoveYourself Anglo showcases both a public and a private space that shall cater to specific processes of the HIV screening.

Six counseling rooms and a doctor’s exam room are also slated to open in the new Hub.
Lichauco explains that the Love Yourself Anglo design is consistent with his previous projects where considerations involve process flows for healthcare and steering clear of medical cross contamination.
Like the architect, LoveYourself aims to see the fruition of a new Hub that will open its doors to the growing audience of the organization.
But this will not be possible without your help. To know how you can contribute to this project, click on the red button below.
Every help we get along the way will be much appreciated.

I want to make a pledge for LoveYourself Anglo >>


  1. This looks great. It's nice to know that there are people offering care and support to those who need it most :)


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