Lover Request: auditions for advocacy video on sexual health

Hello! We are making a two-minute advocacy video on sexual health, and we need two actors for the roles of SHEENA and MON.

No prior acting experience needed!

* In her 20s
* Slender
* Bubbly and energetic
* Articulate in English and Filipino

* In his 20s
* Athletic
* Easygoing and cheerful
* Articulate in English and Filipino

Sheena and Mon are avid video bloggers (vloggers). They have been posting videos as a couple at least once a week for more than a year now, and have gained a huge following because they are charismatic and honest. Their vlogs are characterized by humor and accessibility, and touch on a range of topics. Serious issues are treated lightly but authoritatively. Both have had previous relationships, and think that getting tested for HIV is a milestone for them as a couple. They discuss the experience of getting tested in this video, their 93rd vlog, and encourage their viewers to follow their example.

If you are interested, fire up your webcam or your mobile phone and take a video of yourself performing your chosen role!

The deadline for submissions is on 3 October 2012 (Wednesday).

The shoot will take place in Quezon City during the first week of October.

Visit this link for more details:

Inquiries may be sent to

Those who are interested may visit this page to learn more about our project: <>.


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