Volunteers Wanted: Love Yourself is expanding in Metro Manila, Cebu, and Davao.

The Love Yourself (TLY) Facilitator Network
Counselors, Educators, and Other Volunteers Are Welcome
(We are expanding our network of facilitators – JOIN US!)

The Love Yourself (TLY) group is a community-based organization that propagates ideas, attitudes, and practices that encourage loving oneself as a way of life, now specifically as a way to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among the MSM community (men who have sex with men), the youth, and other key, most at-risk populations in the Philippines. 

“Facilitator” is our general term for people who volunteer with us as peer counselor or peer educator.  We believe that the best behavior influencers are our own peers, and that is why we are growing our network of volunteers who are willing to be just that.

Here at Love Yourself, we greatly value volunteer work.  While given for free, volunteer work need not be shoddy, “puwede na,” and half-hearted. In fact, Love Yourself facilitators are known to be energetic, warm, and very competent! All facilitators of Love Yourself are given continual training, coaching, and mentoring so they can in turn provide professional, topnotch service to the community.

Our group’s success during its first year of operation has created great trust, cooperation, and strategic partnerships with other HIV prevention groups.  Thus, Love Yourself is now preparing to go on a national scale.  Starting September 2012, we will be expanding our reach and focus to 5 metropolitan cities in the country – Manila, Makati, Quezon City, Cebu, and Davao. Hence the call for new facilitators.

For those who are interested to join, following are the required qualifications:

1. Sincere, courageous heart to actively help in HIV education and prevention;
2. Gay, bisexual, or self-identifies as part of the MSM community;
3. Well-educated professional who is able (or willing to learn) to lead others in learning sessions and other similar activities.

You do not need to be an experienced facilitator, educator, or counselor -- we will train you for the job. Facilitator candidates who have their own source of income are preferred, given that the work we do as Love Yourself Facilitators doesn’t provide any financial remuneration. There is no minimum number of hours to render, but do expect to volunteer about 8 hours of your time, once or twice a month, particularly during weekends.

To express your intent to join the Love Yourself Facilitator Network, fill out the application form at http://www.loveyourself.ph/p/join.html



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