The Love Yourself Hub Now Offers Life Coaching Services

Life coaching is partnering with a trained professional (the life coach) in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you (the client) to maximize your personal potential.  It is an interactive process that is both flexible and structured, aimed at maximizing the velocity of the change desired.

The specialties of the life coaching provided in the Love Yourself Hub are in the areas of health and wellnesscareer developmentsame-sex attraction (SSA), and same-sex relationships (for both individuals and couples).

Led by its US-trained head life coach Chris Lagman, the Love Yourself Hub is launching the availability of its life coaching services, as follows:

1. Spot Coaching -- a short session lasting for 40-60 minutes that focuses on a particular shift that you would like to make in your life. The outcome expected is an enhanced level of clarity of the situation, or a better understanding of the shift that has to happen for the person to move forward. 
2. Short-Term Life Coaching -- a 5- to 6-session committed engagement spread across a maximum of 3 months, focusing on achieving a specific goal that you yourself is tasked to identify and be accountable for.

Longer-term life coaching (engagements of more than 3 months) can also be arranged with the head life coach.

Initial spot coaching is provided free-of-charge, while clients who decide to pursue short-term life coaching will be asked to donate a reasonable and flexible fee that will support the Love Yourself group and the provision of its free services.

Are you interested in availing of these coaching services? Fill out the form below, and we'll get in touch with you shortly. All information submitted are treated with utmost confidentiality.


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