Are you SEXy? then its TIME. - SEXYTIME a SafErotic (safer/erotic) sex summit!

Loveyourself Inc. in partnership with RITM (Research Institute of Tropical Medicine) presents: SEXY TIME: a SafErotic (safer/erotic) sex summit! Fun Sex Talk, plus FREE HIV Testing.

The Loveyourself Project would like to thank everyone who participated and everyone who helped made the event possible!


Then it TIME

have a SEXYTIME  with loveyourself Inc.

The love month may be nearing its end, but we lovers really know how to end things with a bang!

February 26, 2012 marked another love yourself moment as we conducted SEXY TIME, a saferotic (safer and erotic) sex summit for men who like men at the Tayuman Commercial Center.

Spearheading the pack is TLY Director for Counseling and Education, Chris Lagman and the rest of the TLY-RITM boys who are now conferred the title Change Agents by the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine or RITM. Assisting the group are Rossana A. Ditangco, MD (head of the AIDS Research Group of RITM), renowned trainor Rita Bantigue, PHD and the medical team 
from RITM.

Aside from lectures about HIV-AIDS, various means of being sexy, intimate and erotic without exposing one’s self to the risk of getting HIV were also discussed. The aim of such forum promotes safer sex, without compromising intimacy. And as we so fondly call it—keeping the fire alive without getting burned. An assessment of various sexual behaviors among MSM’s (males having sex with males) were made through focused group discussions so as to make them more aware of the things they need to do to keep them away from HIV.

A total of 48 participants agreed to get tested during the summit, and each participant was assigned to a particular Change Agent to guide them in making sure one will be HIV free until the end.

The night ended with not just with new learning and new friends, but it also paved the way for some of the participants to join the advocacy in spreading the love while keeping away from HIV. 

Some of the participants have already agreed to join the next Self Empowerment Training (SET) which is scheduled this coming March 3&4 and March 10&11. SET is the first level training for would-be Peer Educators for HIV/AIDS and those profiled to be Peer Counselors or Change Agents will be endorsed to the next level training.

by: Erick Frago & Philip Tanpoco
photos by: Harrel Paycana


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