The Love Yourself Cafe: Friendship & Love Among Men

If love is a tree--sturdy, beautiful, fruitful, and teeming with rich, energetic life--then friendship is its roots. Where there is love, there is friendship; just as the roots are to the tree, friendship to love is that which sustains, grounds, and strengthens. So in, February, traditionally the month when we celebrate love, we zero in on its fundamental, animating principle: Friendship, specifically among men who like men.
Migs the Manila Gay Guy and the Love Yourself organization thus bring you, once again, the Love Yourself Cafe. It’s a safe place for casual conversations on topics that dare, with people who care to question and share. Our topic for the cafe is:
Friendship & Love Among Men
February 11, 2012, Saturday
6 to 9 PM
While this is a relaxed and fun environment, privacy and confidentiality are taken very seriously. Attendance is strictly by invitation. To ensure privacy of all attendees, venue details shall be sent only to the invited participants.
If you would like to join this private, by-invitation event, express your interest by filling out the form at this link ( no later than January 31st.


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