Volunteer Spotlight: Franco Moje, Style + Substance

Artist, corporate professional, and LoveYourself volunteer Franco Moje celebrates individuality in every aspect of his life. "Just express yourself. At the end of the day, the only person you're supposed to satisfy is yourself, not others.” By Jean Natividad Franco needs little to no effort to stand out. Towering, clad in not-so-everyday fashion pieces, he exudes an aura of both refinement and rebellion. It's this stylishly expressed, in-your-face uniqueness that can either instantly draw you to him or maybe intimidate you just a little to keep a safe distance. But we're betting on the former. Once Franco gets talking, it's no challenge to warm up to the guy - just like how it was when we chatted with him for this edition of LoveYourself Volunteer Spotlight. The 30-year-old takes on multiple personas: an international project manager for Freelancer.com, a creative with his own brand of relatable and entertaining comics titled The Zero Calorie Adventures of M...