Certified Platinum: A peek into the most premium testing service in the metro

by Allen Yu Since LoveYourself Platinum first launched in January 2013, it's been nothing but a runaway success. Known for its hyper-discreet, by-appointment testing process and premium service quality, Platinum — already offered twice a month — is routinely booked solid. For many of its clients, the discreetness makes it their ideal choice. “My past testing experiences were okay — straight to the point, very professional,” recalls Mike , who got tested with Platinum last October. "But given the stigma on HIV, I still prefer privacy and discreetness — and LoveYourself Platinum offered just that.” Other clients go even further: for them, discreetness is non-negotiable. “The stigma is a hindrance,” explains JR , a designer who tested with Platinum last April. “The privacy aspect was paramount.” Joey , a system administrator who also got tested with Platinum this October, appreciates that he didn’t need to worry about how to approach clinic or hospit...