4 Easy Ways so you can be #SaferNow

By LoveYourself Communications Moving through the eighth month of the community quarantine, many are still vigilant in protecting one another from COVID-19. Consistency, really is the key in preventing the further rise of cases in the country. Throughout 2020 however, it is important to remain responsive in reducing risk of HIV infection. On August 2020, National HIV Prevention Month introduced HIV Combination Prevention, a collection of methods that can be used in conjunction with each other to prevent HIV infection. Aside from wearing your face mask, physical distancing, and staying at home there are many other ways we can be Safer Now from the twin pandemic. Condoms and Lube Condoms and water-based lubricant are as classic as cookies and milk! Found in groceries, convenience stores, and even some hospitality establishments, they're easy to find and simple to use. Great thing is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Pre-exposure prophylaxis is like your everyday armor you put on...